Every month I let you know that a new edition of our newsletter – Trial Law Report – Tennessee Tort Law Edition – is in the mail to our subscribers. This month, we are making a free copy available for downloading by each of you, the loyal readers of this blog. (The newsletter is ordinarily printed and mailed on the 1st of each month.)
Trial Law Report summaries every tort, civil procedure, evidence and trial law opinion released by the Tennessee appellate courts every month. We also provide you will a complete listing of all cases pending before the Tennessee Supreme Court and the United States Supreme Court on these subjects. Finally, I write a monthly column on some aspect of the law of trial each month.
The newsletter isn’t cheap – it is $349 plus tax for twelve monthly issues. However, our goal was to create one resource where tort lawyers could read what they need to read about the cases they need to be aware of in the area of torts, civil procedure, evidence and trial. We believe that by delivering a accurate, readable summary of those cases to your desk once a month will save you hundreds of dollars worth of time each month,even if you attempt to keep up with all of them on your own. And if you don’t attempt to keep up with them on your own, we will bring decisions to our attention you would have otherwise missed, making (and saving) you money every month.