Please take a minute to check out my newest blog.

Practical Procedure and Evidence  is created to help Tennessee civil trial lawyers stay current on civil, appellate, and evidence issues.   It will include not just new cases and rule changes but will also give lawyers practical tips on how to handle certain evidence and procedure issues in their practice.

Today’s post addresses post-judgment interest – how the rate is determined, whether the rate changes during the life of the judgment, and how to provide for the provision of post-judgment interest when drafting a judgment.

You have just a few days to obtain a pre-publication printed copy of my new book, Tennessee Wrongful Death Law at a substantial discount.TWDL_BOOK-COVER_RGB-200x300

The book is Tennessee’s only comprehensive treatise on the law of wrongful death.  It has 82 sections and cites hundreds of Tennessee cases.

Click on this link and scroll down to see the Table of Contents.

I am pleased to announce that I have started a new blog on Tennessee law of civil procedure and evidence.

Practical Procedure and Evidence  is created to help Tennessee civil trial lawyers stay current on civil, appellate, and evidence issues.   It will include not just new cases and rule changes but will also give lawyers practical tips on how to handle certain evidence and procedure issues in their practice.

For example, from time to time it is necessary to seek additional time to respond to a court-ordered deadline or a deadline imposed by the rules of procedure.   Some deadlines cannot be extended, even by court order, but many can be.

As 2022 comes to a close, here is a brief summary of the cases pending before the Tennessee Supreme Court.

There are twenty civil cases pending before the Court.  The “oldest” pending cases (calculated from the date of oral argument) are Gardner and Ultsch – both cases were argued April 6, 2022.  Review of the Mathes case was just accepted December 15.  Click here for a full list of pending civil cases, the subject matter involved, and their status.

There are ten criminal cases pending before the Court.  The “oldest” pending cases (once again calculated from the date of oral argument) are Forest  and Lyons – both cases were argued April 6, 2022. Review of the Dotson case was granted October 25.  Click here for a full list of pending civil cases, the subject matter involved, and their status.

BirdDog Law offers a large variety of free information to Tennessee lawyers and paralegals.  Among the free resources are 95 databases, one for each Tennessee county, that share information about the operation of the court system in that county.   Each database is set up in the same format for ease of use.

For example, click on the link for  Memphis and Shelby County.  The opening page will give you population and demographic information for the county.  The “Court Clerks and Related Information” has contact information for each court clerk, the clerks’ websites, the local rules of court, e-filing information, docket information, and filing fee information for all courts.

The “Judges” tab has biographical and contact information for all judges in the county.

BirdDog Law offers a large variety of free information to Tennessee lawyers and paralegals.  Among the free resources are 95 databases, one for each Tennessee county, that share information about the operation of the court system in that county.   Each database is set up in the same format for ease of use.

For example, click on the link for Lawrence County.  The opening page will give you population and demographic information for the county.  The “Court Clerks and Related Information” has contact information for each court clerk, the clerks’ websites, the local rules of court, e-filing information, docket information, and filing fee information for all courts.

The “Judges” tab has biographical and contact information for all judges in the county.

Tennessee Justice Programs provides 15 hours of on-demand continuing legal action for Tennessee lawyers.  Penny White, Joe Riley, and I speak on a variety of subjects of interest to Tennessee trial lawyers who do civil trial work.   Reduced rates available for those who purchase multiple courses.  Fifteen hours of CLE credit are available for $550.

Click here for a listing of the topics addressed at the seminar.

Check out the Justice Programs website to learn more.

BirdDog Law offers a large variety of free information to Tennessee lawyers and paralegals.  Among the free resources are 95 databases, one for each Tennessee county, that share information about the operation of the court system in that county.   Each database is set up in the same format for ease of use.

For example, click on the link for Hickman County.  The opening page will give you population and demographic information for the county.  The “Court Clerks and Related Information” has contact information for each court clerk, the clerks’ websites, the local rules of court, e-filing information, docket information, and filing fee information for all courts.

The “Judges” tab has biographical and contact information for all judges in the county.

BirdDog Law offers a large variety of free information to Tennessee lawyers and paralegals. Among the free resources are 95 databases, one for each Tennessee county, that share information about the operation of the court system in that county.   Each database is set up in the same format for ease of use.

For example, click on the link for Giles County.  The opening page will give you population and demographic information for the county.  The “Court Clerks and Related Information” has contact information for each court clerk, the clerks’ websites, the local rules of court, e-filing information, docket information, and filing fee information for all courts.

The “Judges” tab has biographical and contact information for all judges in the county.

Contact Information