Where a HIPAA authorization included with HCLA pre-suit notice “permits a defendant to obtain medical records in actual fact but simply does not include the word ‘obtain,’ it is still compliant.”
In Combs v. Milligan, No. E2019-00485-COA-R3-CV (Tenn. Ct. App. May 1, 2020), plaintiffs filed a health care liability suit against several defendants based on a surgically inserted port that became infected and caused permanent injuries. Before filing their complaint, plaintiffs sent the defendants pre-suit notice and included a HIPAA authorization as required by the HCLA. The authorization was accompanied by a letter that stated: “Attached please find a list of providers to whom a substantially similar notice is being sent…[Plaintiff] has executed a HIPAA-compliant medical authorization authorizing you to obtain complete medical records from [same list of providers].”