
Articles Posted in Discovery


Non-Disclosure of Witness Results in Reversal of Jury Verdict

Plaintiffs in Indiana had a $39 Million verdict reversed because of the failure to disclose the name of a witness. Plaintiffs were injured in a car wreck with a  driver who was operating his vehicle under the influence of alcohol.  They sued the restaurant where the driver had been drinking alleging…


Discoverability of Materials Given to Expert Witnesses

The United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit has ruled that all material given to testifying expert witnesses must be disclosed, including attorney opinion work product materials. The circuits have been split on this issue.  In Regional Airport Authority of Louisville and Jefferson County v. LFG, LLC, Case…


Breaking News: Supreme Court Bars Ex Parte Talks with Plaintiff’s Doctors

The Supreme Court just issued its opinion in Alsip et al v. Johnson City Medical Center et al. More information on the opinion, holding that defense counsel may not participate in ex parte communications with a plaintiff’s non–party treating physicians, is available over at our firm’s medical malpractice blog. I…


Delay in Obtaining Expert Results in Dismissal of Case

The Supreme Court of Mississippi has granted summary judgment in favor of a physician when the plaintiff failed to timely respond to discovery seeking information about plaintiff’s expert witnesses and did not timely file an expert affidavit opposing the summary judgment motion. Plaintiff maintained that she was entitled to more…

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