Articles Posted in Legislation 2011


2012 Legislation of Interest to Tennessee Personal Injury Lawyers

Tennessee personal injury lawyers know that the Tennessee General Assembly is a far different place than it used to be.  The Legislature is determined to change the rules of tort litigation for the benefit of defendants and those who would be defendants.  What follows is a list of legislation enacted…


Own Cows, Oxen or Buffalo? Tennessee Says You Get Special Legal Protection

Fortunately, things are so good in Tennessee that the General Assembly has seen fit to take time to limit the responsibility of bovine owners.  For you city folk, cows, buffaloes and oxen are known as bovines.   The new law,  codified at T.C.A.Sec. 44-21-101 et seq,  provides that "no  person  shall…


Tennessee Legislative Update 2011 – Worker’s Comp Legislation

The Tennessee General Assemby has made it more difficult to bring worker’s compensation cases when the injured employee tests positive for the presence of alcohol or other drugs. Under current T.C.A. Sec. 50-6-110 if an injured employee has a positive (within defined limits) blood test  it is presumed that the…


Tennessee Legislative Update – 2011 – Bicycle Safety

The Tennessee General Assembly has passed new legislation designed to enhance the safety of bicycle riders.  The legislation is Public Chapter 192 and will come into effect on July 1, 2011. The new legislation arms those representing bicycle wreck victims with a basis for asserting negligence per se against defendant drivers.


Tennessee Legislative Update – 2011

Among the bills passed by the Tennessee General Assembly is Public Chapter 130, a bill that dramatically changes the law applicable to the business of insurance. The legislation repeals the ability of consumers to sue an insurance company under the Tennessee Consumer Protection Act or any other statutory provision other…

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