
Articles Posted in Medical Negligence


Patients Are Dying From Unheard Alarms

The Boston Globe reports that more than 2000 people died in a period of a little more than five years because of issues arising from alarms on hospitalized patients.  The cause in many cases:  personnel did not notice that the alarms were sounding or ignored them. From the article:  …


Adverse Event Protocol in Anesthesia

The Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation has released this Adverse Event Protocol discussing what should be done when things go bad for a patient receiving or who is under anesthesia. As the author of the plan explains, the "plan of action will help minimize damage to the patient (and also to…


Lies, Damn Lies and Medical Malpractice Reform

Tennessee consumers injured by medical negligence are facing a full assault on their right to trial by jury.  Some members of the new General Assembly seem hell-bent on placing arbitrary caps on damages, notwithstanding the fact that medical malpractice lawsuits are down over 40% and malpractice insurer profits are soaring.…


Preventing and Management of Operating Room Fires

The Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation has created a video that discusses how to prevent and manage fires that occur in the operating room. The video is 18 minutes long and was released in February 2010. Here is what the organization says about operating room fires: The most notable finding when…


Federal Judge Rules That Certificate of Good Faith Must Be Filed in FTCA Med Mal Cases

Judge Mays of the United States District Court in Memphis has dismissed a medical malpractice case filed against the United States under the Federal Tort Claims Act because the plaintiff did not file a certificate of good faith as required by T.C.A. Sec. 29-26-122. Judge Mays held that the federal…


State Volunteer Mutual Insurance Company’s Profits Explode

Yesterday  I reported that SVMIC, the bedpan mutual that insures the vast majority of Tennessee doctors,  reduced its rates by 23.1% .  I also reported that  the company declared a $20,000,000 dividend.  The net effect of the dividend means that policyholders with a history of no paid claims will receive another 8% reduction (or…

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