There are many ways that defendants fight medical negligence cases. Some battles are fought in the courtroom. Some are fought in the Legislature. Others are fought against the doctors who choose to testify for plaintiffs. Read this article about what can happen if a group of doctors doesn’t like your…
Articles Posted in Medical Negligence
Frivilious Medical Malpractice Case
Click here to read about yet another example of a greedy trial lawyer filing a frivilous lawsuit for a greedy plaintiff.
Wisconsin’s Med Mal Decision Upsets Doctors
The Wisconsin Supreme Court struck down the state’s med mal cap, saying that even under the rational basis test the cap did not meet constitutional muster. The med mal insurances companies and the docs are upset. What the insurance companies and the doctors don’t understand is that rational basis does…
New Legislation Raises Issue of “Specialty Courts”
A bill has been introduced in Congress to fund pilot projects in several states to test the idea of special “health courts.” An article on the bill says that “[t]he bill would authorize the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services to award up to 10 demonstration grants to states…
Health Care Costs
Interested in knowing some more info on health care costs? See Rebecca Blair’s post on our Medical Malpractice Blog. You won’t believe the difference between med mal settlements and judgments in the United States and Canada.
Hot Case!!!!!!!!
The Wisconsin Supreme Court has ruled that the State’s $350,000 cap on non-economic losses is unconstitutional under the State’s equal protection clause. An excerpt: “The court must presume that the legislature’s judgment was sound and look for support for the legislative act. But the court cannot accept rationales so broad…
You Won’t Believe …
You won’t believe how many people died last year as a result of hospital acquired infections in Pennsylvania hospitals. Go to our Medical Malpractice Blog at to find out.
Brachial Plexus Injury Cases
Want to know how at least one defense lawyer plans on defending a brachial plexus injury case? Go to our Medical Malpractice blog.
Cato Institute Article
Here is a fascinating article from the Cato Institute on malpractice and malpractice reform. Pass it around to your friends – and your legislators.
See Operations on the Internet!
Go to our Medical Malpractice Blog to read about how you can see operations from your desk.