
Articles Posted in Medical Negligence


Doctor Speaks Out In Favor Of Medical Malpractice Litigation

A neurosurgeon has written an op-ed piece about his experience with medical negligence litigation and offering his opinion about the role it plays in our society. The article is titled “How Malpractice Suits Keep My Profession Honest.” The writer gives this example of the pressure faced by doctors who testify…


Why all these blogs about Medical Malpractice Statistics and Legislation?

Why? Because, unfortunately, part of the job of being a tort lawyer who represents patients and other negligence victims is staying on top of issues that affect current and future clients. I have monitored tort “reform” legislation since 1984. I have testified on our Capitol Hill numerous times since 1985;…


Hearing on Medical Malpractice Reform Bill Today

That title is so misleading. Today’s hearing has nothing to do with modifying the health care system to prevent injuries and death from medical malpractice. Today’s hearing will determine whether the Civil Practice Subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee will vote-out a bill to restrict the rights of people who…


Study from Florida Negates Allegations of Rising Number of Claims

A recent editorial quotes the results of a Florida study that demonstrates that there has not been the dramatic increase in the numbers of malpractice cases represented by the insurance industry and doctors. The editorial said that “the research showed that while the state’s population climbed by 31.5 percent in…

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