
Articles Posted in Medical Resources


Tort Cases By The Numbers – Part 2

Yesterday I wrote about tort statistics revealed by the 2006-07 "Annual Report of the Tennessee Judiciary."  Among the statistics I cited was that there were 584 medical malpractices cases filed in the state of Tennessee and a total of 15 medical malpractice trials. To put that in perspective, remember that according…


Medical Diagnosis/Code – Acronym Look Up

This post is taken from an email sent out by Janabeth Fleming Taylor at Attorney Medical Services: ICD-9 codes (Think of it as "Diagnosis" Code) The International Classification of Diseases (ICD) is the classification used to code and classify mortality data from death certificates. The International Classification of Diseases,…


Fetal Monitoring

A professional liability insurer has posted this information on fetal monitoring for doctors. The opening paragraph:  "Initially, the fetal monitor was developed for the intrapartum period to better evaluate the status of the fetus during labor. Earlier identification of pending acidosis and hypoxia would alert the obstetric team, leading to…


Guidelines and Levels of Care for Pediatric Intensive Care Units

The American Association of Pediatricians  has issued  "Guidelines and Levels of Care for Pediatric Intensive Care Units."  The abstract: "The practice of pediatric critical care medicine has matured dramatically during the past decade. These guidelines are presented to update the existing guidelines published in 1993. Pediatric critical care services are…

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