Charlie Weis, head football coach at Notre Dame, sued two doctors in connection with injuries he received following gastric bypass surgery. The trial in underway in Boston. He alleges that he suffered internal bleeding after the procedure and that his doctors failed to promptly correct it. The doctors say that…
Articles Posted in Miscellaneous
Business Tennessee’s List of 150 Best Lawyers
Business Tennessee magazine has released its list of the 150 best lawyers in Tennessee. Here is the list by area of practice. These lists come out from time to time and I am always surprised to see that some lawyers I think are just fantastic are not included. I don’t…
The Blogs I Read
I was in Knoxville yesterday and had the opportunity to talk with my friend Howard Vogel and his son Alex. We were talking blogs (the three of us make a fun group, don’t we?) and Howard or Alex asked what blogs I regularly read. I thought I would share the…
A Post from Blog 702
I really enjoy reading Blog 702. The writing is great, the posts informative. I wish they had a permalink function in their blogging program, but this post is too good not to re-print here in toto. 2/7/07 UPDATE: I got a comment from the folks at Blog 702 and they…
The Death of Molly Ivins
I never met Molly Ivins, but wish I had. She was a gifted writer with a wonderful sense of humor. Her death is a real loss for all of us who love to read about politics.
Those Who Share Prescription Drugs Owe Duty
The Supreme Court of Arizona has ruled that persons who are prescribed drugs owe a duty of care, making them potentially liable for negligence, when they improperly give their drugs to others. The defendant shared his prescribed drug (oxycodone) with others at a party. One of the women he shared…
Water Intoxication Lawsuit
Well, as you probably have heard, a woman who participated in a "Hold your wee for a Wii" contest died of water intoxication. According to the Sacramento Bee, "the contestants were given two minutes to drink an 8 ounce bottles of water every ten minutes. The winner was the last…
Supreme Court Politics – Michigan-Style
Most of us know judges who from time to time have disagreements with their colleagues and know other judges who simply don’t like a judge they have to work with every day. There is nothing unusual about this – judges are people and it is unrealistic for anyone to expect that the…
Wheelchair Fire Case
Can you imagine sitting in your battery-powered wheelchair and having it catch on fire? That’s what the plaintiff alleged happened to her late father in this California case. It settled on the courthouse steps; the settlement is, of course, confidential. The article reports that "in 2006, said court records, the…
Off Topic – Public Defenders vs. Criminal Defense Lawyers in Private Practice
Here is an interesting article from the New York Times that discusses a recent study of whether private practice lawyers or public defenders get better outcomes for citizens accused of crimes.