I will not be blogging for a few days. I am taking today off for Thanksgiving and tomorrow morning I am off to Mexico where I will be speaking at a seminar on tort law to some Tennessee lawyers who also have an interest in diving. I will be speaking …
Articles Posted in Miscellaneous
Election to the ALI
I am pleased to announce that I have been elected to membership in the American Law Institute. The ALI is the organization that creates the Restatements of the various areas of the law and participated in the creation of the Uniform Commerical Code, the Model Penal Code, and numerous other…
Illinois Supreme Court Justice Wins Libel Verdict
Read the story here in the Chicago Tribune.
Minor Can Recover Medical Expenses
The Tennessee Court of Appeals has ruled that a minor can sue to recover medical expenses paid to treat injuries received by the minor as a result of the negligence of another. Although most of us (at least those of us who represent plaintiffs) have thought this was probably the…
Spoliation – Attorney Liability
I have reported on a number of spoliation cases in this blog recently, but this is the first on against an attorney. Plaintiff argued that Plaintiff’s counsel had failed to inspect or secure evidence in the possession of the plaintiff’s decedent’s employer in the underlying products liability action. Plaintiff also filed…
A Fascinating Story About Millberg, Weiss
Almost everyone knows that Millberg, Weiss, at one time the country’s leading class action law firm, has been indicted. The allegation is that the firm paid plaintiffs be serve as class representatives. I have followed the story for several years but this article in Fortune (and posted on money.cnn.com) caught my…
Back from Chattanooga – CORRECTED
Chris Nearn correctly pointed out that my post Saturday had incorrect dates for programs in Memphis and Nashville. I don’t know how I messed that up. Thanks Chris. Here is a corrected post. Thursday and Friday I was in Chattanooga for the first Justice Programs seminar of the year. We…
Off Topic – T- Shirt
Well, I was wrong about the identity of the person who sent me the t-shirt. It turns out it was a lawyer from Tennessee, a regular reader who is an ND fan (but not an ND grad). Thanks again.
No Substantive Post Today
No, I’m not dead, just a little tired. I have been in Cincinnati the last two days, preparing a witness one day and attending his deposition on the second day. I did not get home until 8:15 last night and am feeling the effects of spending two long days on the…
New Blog on Tort Reform
Here is another blog on tort reform. The introduction: "Tort reform” has become a staple of Republican politics. Limits on lawsuits are offered as a solution to everything from the health care crisis and economic stagnation to America’s moral decline. Americans overwhelmingly believe that the nation is awash in frivolous…