As I mentioned Sunday, I went to Atlanta Sunday night, locked myself in a hotel room, and spent all day Monday and several hours early Tuesday morning preparing for an argument in the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals. As a result, I am very behind in my work and need…
Articles Posted in Miscellaneous
No Post Today
Sorry, folks, but I do not have time for a post today. I have an oral argument in the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta on Tuesday and I am busy getting ready. I will post tomorrow morning.
A Work of Art
I confess to being somewhat of a law geek. After almost 25 years of practice, I still enjoy reading opinions and getting my head in the books. I readily confess to not doing much legal writing in my practice anymore – I have several bright young lawyers who help with…
Republican Congressman Off to Prison
Rep. Duke Cunningham got sentenced to prison yesterday for accepting at least $2.4 million in bribes. He was looking at a maximum ten-year prison term and actually received eight years, four months. Cunningham solicted and obtained bribes from defense industry contractors. He used his position to help his co-conspirators get…
New Lawyer Ad
Isn’t this nice? I discovered this at Home Office Lawyer.
SCOTUS Allows Claim Against Post Office
The United States Supreme Court does not hear many tort cases. However, the Court released a tort opinion on Wednesday that held that the U.S. Postal Service is subject to personal injury lawsuits if they do not use due care when leaving mail at people’s homes. The Pennsylvania plaintiff tripped…
Smoking Guns
Do you have a smoking gun not covered by a protective order? The folks at Slate want it. Read about it here.
You Saw It Here First
The AP just issued a story at 9:30 P.M. today that is titled “Cheney Apparently Breaks Key Hunting Rule.” A quote from the article: “It’s incumbent upon the shooter to assess the situation and make sure it’s a safe shot,” said Mark Birkhauser, president-elect of the International Hunter Education Association…
Off Topic – Guns Don’t Hurt People; People Hurt People
The Vice President accidently shot another man – a lawyer – during a hunting trip this weekend. Read about the hunting trip here. The owner of the ranch has placed comparative fault in play: the injured man “”came up from behind the vice president and the other hunter and didn’t…
Back from Phoenix
Joy and I got back from Phoenix last night after spending a long weekend there at a meeting of the Board of Directors of the National Board of Trial Advocacy, the parent of which is now known as the National Board of Legal Specialty Certification. After the meetings ended Saturday…