Today I am off to Chattanooga for two days of a seminar sponsored by Justice Programs. The 15-credit hour seminar (which includes 3 E & P hours) is designed for lawyers who practice civil litigation. The seminar will also be held in Knoxville on November 17 and 18 and in…
Articles Posted in Miscellaneous
Tort Case in the United States Supreme Court
Tort cases are a rare commodity in the SCOTUS (Thank God) but one was argued earlier this week. A woman tripped on packages and other matters left on her porch (rather than in her mailbox) by the Post Office and and brought suit under the FTCA. The issue is “whether…
Suing the Parent Company
Here is a great decision out of the state of Illinois, home of the World Champion White Sox. (I never thought I would type that phrase.) The Fourth Division of the Illinois Court of Appeals said that “plaintiffs presented evidence that one result of the budget cuts mandated by defendant…
Yet Another Study On the “Crisis”
Insurance Journal reports this: “There is no credible evidence to link the tort system either to the economic ills its critics claim or to the benefits they argue would be produced by altering it, according to a new study by the Economic Policy Institute.” The article goes on to say…
Source for Government Documents
The Government Printing Office has a host of information for you. Government Printing Office which provides electronic access to Federal Government documents. The site gives you access to official, published versions of legislative, executive and judicial documents, including the Code of Federal Regulations, Federal Register, and Presidential Materials. For example,…
How is your Math?
Do you what $146,604 represents? It is the amount of money both Exxon and Shell made every minute of every hour of every day last quarter. Or $2443 every second. But who’s counting.
Tort Reform in Texas
Hopefully you will get to read this article in Texas Monthly before this link is gone. It describes what happened to the people of Texas because of tort reform. Here is a description of what happened to one family who was looking for a plaintiff’s lawyer to handle a medical…
Roscoe Pound Institute
Some of you are familiar with the Rosoce Pound Institute, an organization founded in 1956 which works to “help judges, academics and others understand a balanced view of the U.S. civil justice system.” Last week, the Institute held a conference at Vanderbilt University School of Law on the issue of…
Anatomy Help
Gray’s Anatomy of the Human Body is the leading textbook on anatomy and now it is available on-line. Click here to review the index of what drawings and information is available. Thanks to Bob Kraft for bringing this site to my attention.
Portion of Georgia Tort Reform Statute Found Unconstitutional
Georgia passed a tort “deform” statute last year. One part of the legislation required a plaintiff to pay a defendant’s attorneys’ fees if the plaintiff did not obtain a judgment of at 25% higher than a defendant’s last offer of judgment. A trial judge has struck down that provision, saying…