The United States Supreme Court has refused to hear a case involving a class action certified by a Oklahoma judge involving 420,000 GM vehicles. The lawsuit alleges that the vehicles are equipped with airbags that deploy unnecessarily. The problem is a software glich, later corrected by GM on other vehicles.
Articles Posted in Miscellaneous
Off Topic – Taking the Blinders off a Blind Trust
Senator Frist’s blind trust is a story that will not die – and now more information is coming forward. Read the latest from the Miami Hearld and the AP.
Florida Med Mal Fee Cap
You may remember that the Florida voters passed a cap on attorneys’ fees in medical malpractice cases. The constitutional amendment was pushed by Florida’s doctors. Fees are capped at 30% for the first $250,000 and 10% on any amount over $250,000. Lawyers representing patients began asking them if they wanted…
Silicosis, Doctors and Lawyers
There is a fascinating but disturbing story in today’s New York Times about a federal court case involving claims arising from alleged injuries because of exposure to silica. Judge Jack has raised serious questions about whether the claims are legitimate and the role of the doctors and claimant’s lawyers in…
Appellate Advocacy and Legal Writing
I love handling appeals. I prefer to be an appellee, and I would just as soon win and move on, but if we have to end up in an appellate court, I enjoy the work. Here is a publication from the Defense Research Institute addressing various issues concerning appeals, including…
Extreme Makeover Lawsuit
Extreme Makeover is a disturbing show that takes advantage of poor self image and glorifies physical beauty. Deleese Williams did not make the final cut of the show and, she now alleges, the experience was so horrible that it caused her sister to take her own life. <a According to…
It Never Stops
How can some members of the Republican Party take a national disaster and turn it into a windfall for corporate America? No-bid contracts for companies working to clean up the mess caused by Katrina? Of course, but there is more. Eliminate the need to pay the prevailing wage? Sure. How…
The NYT has a great article today about the issue of conflicts between physicians and the medical device industry. The information about the cost of medical devices and the disparity between the costs of the devices at different hospitials is shocking.
The Real World
Are you one of those people who say that politics doesn’t matter to you or your practice? Do you refuse to get involved in political campaigns? Do you “just say no” to a request for a political contribution? Well, those who want to take away the rights of your clients…
Propaganda Working
A recent poll indicates that many Americans think that they are being “overtreated” by their doctors. An article describing the poll results says that “[n]early three-quarters (72%) of U.S. adults think that patients who have medical conditions experience problems because of being overtreated (i.e., getting too many treatments or getting…