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Articles Posted in Miscellaneous
Nashville Code on the Web
I posted an entry recently concerning access to municipal codes in Tennessee. I mentioned that I did not know how to find the code for Nashville on the Web. Tony Duncan knew – here is the site. Thanks Tony
Vacation – I’m Back
Once again, I took some time off, this time with my children. We made our annual pilgrimage to Wisconsin. We drove back yesterday – 875 miles in 14 hours. There have been a bunch of exciting developments in the law of torts in the past 10 days. Brandon Bass covered…
Another Poorly Written Tort Reform Bill
For Independence Day, why not read about another affront to the civil justice system, this one via a bill sponsored by Texas Republican Lamar Smith? There is a good article on the dangers of the bill over at law.com. It is amazing that the bill not only attacks a nonexistant…
Trial Court Cannot Grant Ex Parte Communications With Plaintiff’s Treating Physicians
From over at the Med Mal Blog: The Eastern Section Court of Appeals held today that Givens prevents a trial court from issuing an order that allows ex parte communications with a plaintiff’s treating physicians. The Court of Appeals rejected the argument by the defendant doctors and Tennessee Medical Association…
New Medical Malpractice Blog
Branham & Day is happy to announce that our firm is now running another legal blog, medmalblog.com. Several of the attorneys at our office, as well as our nurse-paralegal, are posting entries on the new site. Rebecca Blair, a shareholder at Branham & Day, is leading it. The blog is…
Finding Statistics From Uncle Sam and His Siblings
Sometimes you need data that you can only find from the federal government. Here is a link to a site that has more statistics than you can shake a stick at. Hundreds of federal agencies have statistics on this site on even more subjects. Here is another site than can…
Links for Trial Lawyers
Our friends in the insurance defense bar have compiled a list of helpful links to websites to do sleuthing on the Internet. If they are going to do it, don’t you think you might want to consider doing it yourself? I must say that this isn’t the best such list…
Arrows for your Quiver
Aren’t you sick and tired of these jerks who attack your clients and your profession? I have been jerked around at Little League games, my kids’ basketball games, cocktail parties, church – it never stops. Here is some ammo you can use to fight back – unless you think that…
My Absence
You tort and negligence law junkies may have been wondering where I have been the past few days. Well, I went to Knoxville on Tuesday for a committee meeting to work on the Tennessee Pattern Jury Instructions. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday I was at the Tennessee Trial Lawyers Association Annual…