knows no bounds to bring you what’s goin’ down in tort law. Apparently my man Eminem (is it still cool to say “my man”?)(come to think about it, is is still cool to say “cool”?) wrote a “song” called Brain Damage, and told Rolling Stone that the song lyrics…
Articles Posted in Miscellaneous
Mississippi Rejects Church’s Efforts to Thwart Pedophile Priest Case
The Supreme Court Of Mississippi has affirmed a trial court’s denial of motions to dismiss claims brought against a Mississippi bishop and Diocese arising out of priest pedophilia. The Church asserted First Amendment and other claims in an effort to avoid the suit. A discovery dispute was also resolved by…
Seminar Programs
Last year former Supreme Court Justice Penny White, former Court of Appeals Judge Joe Riley and I started “Justice Programs.” The company produces seminars for Tennessee lawyers. Last year was a great success. We had hundreds of people from across the state attend. This year we have expanded our efforts…
Maine Rejects Catholic Church’s “First Amendment” Defense in Pedophile Priest Case
The Maine Supreme Court has ruled that the Roman Catholic Bishop of Portland cannot assert the First Amendment as a defense to a claim of negligently supervising a pedophile priest. The Court reviewed the First Amendment law on point and noted that “[t]he Diocese has not asserted that it actually…
Veterans’ Judgments Challenged by Bush Administration
Seventeen veterans won judgments against Iraq for being tortured during the first Gulf War. The Bush Administration has filed a brief opposing the right of the veterans to collect these judgments. This post by Dave Lindorff has an interesting take on why the Administration would not be supporting our veterans.…
Piercing the Corporate Veil
The Court of Appeals just handed down a new decision that addresses the circumstances under which one may pierce the corporate veil. The case is Boyles v. National Development Company; read the opinon here. The court affirmed the imputation of liability through the corporation to the person who set it…
Dealing with Difficult Clients
Here is an interesting article published by the ABA called “Dealing With Difficult Clients.” The article is a condensed version of a 14-page paper on the same subject. The author is Carole Curtis, a lawyer from Toronto. I recommend both, especially the 14 page paper. It is a helpful reminder.
Waiver of Objection When Privilege Log Was Not Timely Served
How many times have you seen this discovery response: “Objection; this request for production of documents is vague, ambigious, oppressive, unduly burdensome, seeks information not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence, and seeks the discovery of material protected by the attorney client privilege, the work product…
Mold Expert
Forbes has written an article on Dr. Gary Ordog, an expert witness who testifies in mold cases. Click here to read the article. The article is not very flattering. I must confess I have always been a little concerned about these cases. I do not believe that being in the…
Update on Finger Case
You have got to hand it to Wendy’s. When someone points the finger at the quality of their food, they don’t just wave it off. Anna Alaya has been arrested in Vegas and will not fight extradition to California. However, the police have not be able to identify whose finger…