
Articles Posted in Motor Vehicle Cases


New Tennessee Legislation of Interest to Tort Lawyers – Post 12

Post 12 of this series on changes in Tennessee statutory law of interest to tort lawyers addresses a new law that imposes lighting requirements on bicycles. Here is the new code section, which replaces existing section (a) of T.C.A. Sec. 55-8-177: (a) Every bicycle, when in use at nighttime, shall…


New Tennessee Legislation of Interest to Tort Lawyers – Post 7

Here is Post 7 of recent changes to statutory law in Tennessee that I think will be of interest to tort lawyers.  As I have said in the last six posts,  you can read about additional changes in the law under the Legislation 2009 category. Public Chapter 206  changed the…


New Tennessee Legislation of Interest to Tort Lawyers – Post 6

This is the sixth in a series of posts concerning changes in Tennessee statutory law that I believe to be of interest to tort lawyers.  For more changes click on the Legislation 2009 category of this blog. Public Chapter 201 prohibits, subject to certain exceptions,  the reading or sending of text…


Dangers Caused By Truck Drivers Who Text While Driving.

Texting while driving is now illegal in Tennessee, and a study from the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute reaffirms why the law is necessary. For truck drivers, the risk of a crash or near-crash event increases by a 23.2 times as compared with non-distracted driving. Read the entire study here. UPDATE: …


Tennessee Motor Vehicle Deaths Decrease But Still Higher Than National Average

Deaths on Tennessee roads continued to decrease in 2008.  A total of 1035 people were killed on Tennessee roads in 2008, down from 1211 in 2007and 1339 in 2004.  Nationally, 37,261 people died in motor vehicle crashes in 2008. Tennessee deaths were 16.55 per 100,000 of population, over 33% higher…


Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices

The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices defines the standards used by road managers and contractors nationwide to install and maintain traffic control devices on all streets and highways. The MUTCD is published by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) under 23 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 655, Subpart F. …

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