
Articles Posted in Motor Vehicle Cases


Oprah Lends Support to Safe Driving Practices

PC Magazine Oprah Winfrey has been urging her viewers to promise not to text or make telephone calls while driving.   Last Friday she dedicated her show to the subject. Some 23 states, including Tennessee, have laws banning texting while driving.  Eight other states have partial bans on texting while driving. …


FHWA Adopts the 2009 Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices

The Federal Highway Administration has ruled that the 2009 Edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices must be adopted by the states as their legal standard for traffic control devices within two years.   Here is an excerpt of the Federal Register discussing the rule change.  The MUTCD contains…


Motorcycle Deaths Decline

The Governors Highway Safety Administration has released a preliminary report indicating the motorcycle deaths have decreased on our nation’s highways.  If the final numbers are substantially similar, deaths will have dropped for the first time in over a decade. Based on preliminary data gathered for the first nine months of…


Online Accident Reports

Getting motor vehicle accident reports is a hassle, but is appears that it will be getting easier. makes accident reports from Georgia, Indiana, and Kentucky  available for purchase over the Internet.  Accident reports from Tennessee will be available in the future. Thanks to Chris Simon and the Atlanta Injury…


Truck Drivers – No More Texting

Truck drivers who text while on the road are now violating federal law.  On  January 26, 2010, the federal  Transportation Department  said  it is prohibiting truck and bus drivers from sending text messages on hand-held devices while operating commercial vehicles. Tennessee banned texting while driving effective July 1, 2009.   The Transportation…


Distraction.Gov – A Website About Distracted Driving

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has set up a website called "Distraction.Gov." The website reveals some interesting statistics: In 2008, there were a total of 34,017 fatal crashes in which 37,261 individuals were killed. In 2008, 5,870 people were killed in crashes involving driver distraction (16% of total fatalities).…


1,600,000 Crashes From Cell Phone Use and Texting While Driving

The National Safety Counsel  announced yesterday that it estimates at least 28% of all traffic crashes – or at least 1.6 million crashes each year – are caused by drivers using cell phones and texting. From the organization’s press release: The estimate of 25% of all crashes — or 1.4 million…


Ambulance Driver Crashes Into TDOT Help Truck – Is There an Incapacitated Driver Defense?

David Cline, the paramedic who was killed when the private ambulance he was driving slammed into the back of a TDOT roadside help truck on Interstate 65 on October 22, 2009,  had a history of medical problems, including narcolepsy and epilepsy.  Investigators are unsure why Cline left the highway  but believe that the he…


Fatal Car and Truck Crashes By Young Drivers

 NHTSA has released a report concerning fatal crashes by young drivers.  The report shows that „„Youths 15 to 20 years old represented 9 percent of the U.S. population in 2007 and 6 percent of the licensed drivers; however, 19 percent of the fatalities in the United States in 2007 were…

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