
Defense Lawyers Getting Hit With Malpractice Claims

This article from Lawyers Weekly U.S.A. explains that insurance defense lawyers are seeing an increased in the number of professional negligence claims filed against them.

An excerpt: “According to an ABA study released last summer, malpractice claims against personal injury defense lawyers increased 6 percent from 1999 to 2003 – the largest increase in any practice area. Nearly 10 percent of all malpractice claims in 2003 were filed against personal injury defense lawyers. Personal injury-defense now ranks third in malpractice claims, behind top-ranked personal injury-plaintiff and real estate. Family law and trusts and estates rank fourth and fifth, respectively.”

Read the article here. NOTE: Link is broken and article now lost in cyberspace.

As I have mentioned in the past, I serve on the Standards Committee for the National Board of Trial Advocacy. My experience on that Committee has lead me to make the same conclusion. Also, I see an increasing number of claims challenging trial strategy decisions.

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