
More Statistics From the 2007-08 Annual Report of the Tennessee Judiciary

The 2007-08 Annual Report of the Tennessee Judiciary also has some interesting statistics on appeals.   Here are some of the highlights:

  1. There were 793 Rule 11 applications filed during the fiscal year.  ( A Rule 11 application is a request for the Tennessee Supreme Court to hear a discretionary appeal.)  How many were granted?  48. 
  2. Number of certified questions accepted by the Court in the fiscal year?    3
  3. Total number of Court of Appeals opinions released during the fiscal year?  753 (more than one per week per judge).
  4. Petitions to rehear filed in the Court of Appeals?  101  Number granted?  15
  5. Total number of Rule 9 (interlocutory appeal) and Rule 10 (extraordinary appeal) applications filed in the Court of Appeals?  106    Number granted?  22
  6. Total number of Rule 9 and Rule 10 applications filed in the Supreme Court?  50   Number granted?  6
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