
New Book in the Mail

I have good news for all of you who pre-ordered a copy of Day on Torts:  Leading Cases in Tennessee Tort Law:  the book arrived from the printer on Monday and the vast majority of the advance sale copies were shipped out the same day.  The balance of the advance sale copies will be mailed on Tuesday the 22nd. 

The new book contains over 650 pages, identifies more than 300 Tennessee tort law subjects, and provides summary of the leading case on each subject to give you a quick, readable synopsis of current state of the law. Many of the summaries include citations to other cases, giving you even more insight and helping narrow the scope of your research.The new book has over 30% more pages than the last edition, and addresses many new subjects.  In addition, for the first time, the book has been printed in hardcover and will be supplemented by pocket part.

The price of the book is only $129, plus sales tax and a shipping and handling charge.  You can order it here.

Permit me to publicly thank three people for their assistance on the book.  Laura Bishop helped gather and edit cases for all three editions of the book, as well as assisting me in the identification of new subjects that needed to be included in this edition.  Her efforts were substantial and absolutely essential to the creation of the book.

Kori Conner and Sara McDonald were also an important  part of the team.  Kori formatted the entire book and had all communications with the printer.  Sara manages the money.   Like Laura, their help was essential in creating and delivering a book we can be proud of.

From time to time people ask me how I am able to maintain a law practice, write articles, books, newsletters, and blogs, and have an active speaking schedule.  The answer is quite simple – I have managed to surround myself with bright, dedicated people who help me in everything I do. Laura, Kori, and Sara are part of that team, and I greatly appreciate their efforts.

So, to Laura, Kori, and Sara I say thank you.   (By the way, we start work on the first pocket part in three months.)

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