
Proposed 2012 Changes to the Tennessee Rules of Procedure and Evidence

The Tennessee Supreme Court has circulated for public comment changes to the rules of evidence and procedure

If adopted by the Court and approved by resolution in the 2012 General Assembly, the proposed rule changes will go into effect July 1, 2012.

A couple changes are of particular interest to tort lawyers.  First, there is a proposal to amend TRCP 12.06 to extend the time to file motions to strike.  Second, changes have been suggested to Rule 45 to put receipents of subpoenas on notice of the 14-day deadline for lodging objections.    Third, several changes  to the rules of appellate procedure have been suggested.

Rule changes are drafted by the Advisory Commission on the Rules of Practice & Procedure and then submitted to the Tennessee Supreme Court.  I am honored to serve on the Advisory Commission and find the experience to be very rewarding.  If you have a proposal to change the rules that you believe that will advance the just, speedy and inexpensive resolution of cases please let me know.

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