
Seminar in Mexico

The weekend after Thanksgiving 2005 I will be speaking at a seminar in Cozumel that will be of particular interest if you want to scuba dive.

The seminar is sponsored by the Bench Bar Committee of the Tennessee Judicial Conference. Attendees will stay at the Fiesta Americana, an all-inclusive resort.

I will be speaking for 6 hours (3 hours per day) on Saturday and Sunday. Three hours will address tort and comparative fault issues and three hours will be an indepth look at the law of depositions. CLE credit will be available. The sessions will be interactive.

Past attendees have praised the programs (and the diving.)

So, if you are interested in linking some education and some fun consider attending this program in Cozumel.

Here is the seminar brochure. Register soon – this is a holiday weekend so arranging flights will be a challenge.

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