
Day on Torts


Sponge Case Falls Under HCLA Not Ordinary Negligence

            In Smith v. Testerman, No. E2014-00956-COA-R9-CV (Tenn. Ct. App. March 10, 2015), the Court of Appeals recently took up the issue of whether a case sounds in ordinary negligence or health care liability. After a hernia repair, plaintiff developed an infection requiring additional surgery…


Trial Court Cannot Impose Additional Limitations on Ex Parte Interviews in Healthcare Liability Cases.

Tenn. Code Ann. § 29-26-121(f) allows defendants in a Tennessee medical malpractice (now called healthcare liability) case to petition the court for a “qualified protective order allowing the defendant…and their attorneys the right to obtain protected health information during interviews, outside the presence of claimant or claimant’s counsel, with the…


Upcoming Civil Case Arguments at the Tennessee Supreme Court

The Tennessee Supreme Court will hear two health care liability disputes among four cases scheduled for oral arguments March 4, 2015 in Jackson, Tennessee, one of which will address an interesting civil procedure question. The first case concerns the procedures required when filing a health care liability lawsuit. At the time…


Court of Appeals Rules that 120-Day Extension Applies to HCLA Cases Filed under Saving Statute.

         The interplay between the saving statute and the 120-day extension provided by the HCLA in Tenn. Code Ann. § 29-26-121(c) continues to be a hotly litigated topic, with the Tennessee Court of Appeals adding another opinion to the mix this week. In 2013, the Supreme Court…


Juror Interview in Vanderbilt Rape Trial Offers Good Practice Reminders

The Tennessean has a fascinating video interview of Todd Easter, one of the jurors in the Corey Batey and Brandon Vandenburg rape trial.    Juror feedback in any case gives trial lawyers helpful information about how to present information to a jury.  Mr. Easter’s interview yielded the following reminders:  …


Punitive Damages Affirmed in Tennessee Fraud Case

            In Overton v. Westgate Resorts, LTD., L.P., No. E2014-00303-COA-R3-CV (Tenn. Ct. App. Jan. 30, 2015), the Court of Appeals recently affirmed a punitive damage award in a fraud and misrepresentation case. Plaintiffs had traveled to Gatlinburg to look for and purchase a timeshare. Their…


Tennessee Supreme Court Oral Arguments Scheduled

Here are the civil cases set for oral argument in Nashville on February 4 and 5, 2015: The Chattanooga-Hamilton Co. Hospital Authority d/b/a Erlanger Health Systems v. United Healthcare Plan of the River Valley, Inc. d/b/a Americhoice and TN Attorney General – Erlanger Hospital in Chattanooga filed suit against Americhoice…


Suing Vaccine Cynic Parents and Day Care Centers When a Child Contracts Measles

In case you have been living under a rock and have not heard, there are at least 121 confirmed cases of the measles traced from an outbreak at Disneyland in California in December.  The outbreak is significant for a number of reasons: 1.     Last year, the U.S. had a record…

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