
Day on Torts


Can The Owner of LLC Also Be A Defendant in a Tort Action Against the LLC?

The plaintiff in Akers v. McLemore Auction Co., LLC, No. M2012-02398-COA-R3-CV (Tenn. Ct. App. May 27, 2014) chose to hire an auction company to sell his real and personal property that the plaintiff valued at more than $350,000, but chose to go pro se in suing the auction company. That…


Spoliation of Evidence in Tennessee: Intent v. Prejudice

What is it with drillers and spoliation of evidence cases?  First it was Cincinnati Ins. Co. v. Mid-South Drillers Supply, Inc. which is a Tennessee leading case on the subject.  And now, we have a new spoliation case with a different drilling company, Griffith Services Drilling, LLC v. Arrow Gas…


Negligent Failure to Have a Nightlight? Nope

 The Tennessee Court of Appeals recently affirmed the dismissal of plaintiff’s premises case in Smith v. Stanley,  No. E2013-00886-COA-R3-CV (Tenn. Ct. App. May 12, 2014). Plaintiff visited a cabin with her sister and cousin. The cabin was owned by defendants, who are plaintiff’s aunt and uncle. Plaintiff was the first…


No Special Requirements for Pre-Suit Notice on the State of Tennessee In Medical Malpractices Cases

In Tennessee, before a party may file a lawsuit against a healthcare provider for medical malpractice, the party must give 60 days’ pre-suit notice pursuant to Tenn. Code Ann. § 29-26-121(a).  In Brown v. Samples, No. E2013-00799-COA-R9-CV (Tenn. Ct. App. Apr. 29, 2014), the State of Tennessee was granted permission…


Failure to Read a Motion is Not Excusable Neglect under Tennessee Law

Rule 60.02(1) of the Tennessee Rules of Civil Procedure allows the court to relieve a party from a final judgment or order on grounds of “mistake, inadvertence, surprise or excusable neglect.”  This is the rule that the plaintiffs attempted to rely on to set aside an order dismissing their case…


Failure to Timely Appeal Results in Dismissal

 In Wright v. Dunlap, No. M2014-00238-COA-R3-CV (Tenn. Ct. App. April 30, 2014), a jury rendered a defense verdict in plaintiff’s car crash case. The trial court entered a judgment dismissing the case, and then Plaintiff’s case was dismissed on appeal because of her failure to take appropriate action within 30…


Tennessee Certificate of Good Faith Statute – Extension of Time To File Amended Certificate Granted

The Tennessee Court of Appeals has affirmed a trial court’s decision to grant an extension to file certificate of good faith in a medical malpractice case,  finding “good cause” based on parties’ confusion on Tennessee case law.  In Stovall v. UHS of Lakeside, LLC , No. W2013-01504-COA-R9-CV (Tenn. Ct. App.…


Delaware Court Reminds Tennessee Lawyers That Causation Must be Established in Cancer Malpractice Cases

Our office is fortunate to be sought out in a large number of Tennessee medical malpractice cases involving cancer.   Most of the cases involve a delay in the diagnosis of cancer, that is, that the patient presented with certain symptoms or physical findings that should have triggered a diagnosis…


Tolling of Statute of Limitations Not Lost by Failure to Comply with Return of Process Rule

Although Rule 4.03 of the Tennessee Rules of Civil Procedure requires return of process within ninety days of its issuance, a plaintiff failing to comply with this standard may still keep his or her case alive under Rule 3. In the recent case of Monday v. Thomas, the Tennessee Court of…

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