
Day on Torts


Intentional interference with business relationships under the GTLA.

While a claim for intentional interference with business relationships does not “arise out of a claim for interference with contract rights” and is thus not expressly listed in the GTLA as a cause of action for which a governmental entity retains immunity, because it is an intentional tort, a plaintiff…


Jury award to plaintiff affirmed where defendant presented evidence that some damages were not caused by the car accident.

Where plaintiff and defendant presented contradicting credible evidence regarding whether all of plaintiff’s claimed injuries were caused by the car accident at issue, the trial court’s denial of plaintiff’s motion for new trial based on her assertion that the jury’s award did not adequately compensate her for her injuries was…


Apartment that failed to maintain wooden bridge liable to tenant in premises liability suit.

A premises liability judgment for plaintiff was affirmed where plaintiff slipped and fell on a wooden bridge at defendant apartment complex, representatives of defendant had stated that the standard of care required that the bridge be power washed at least annually, and the evidence showed that the bridge had not…


Dismissal of negligent misrepresentation claim affirmed.

Where the attorney for an HOA wrote plaintiff landowner a letter informing him that the HOA considered him to be in violation of certain restrictions, judgment on the pleadings in favor of defendant attorney on plaintiff landowner’s negligent misrepresentation claim was affirmed because there was no allegation that the attorney…


Misinterpretation of the law not deemed excusable neglect under Rule 6.02.

When a party failed to file a motion for substitution for more than a year after filing a notice of death, misinterpretation of the law did not constitute excusable neglect and dismissal was affirmed. In Joshlin v. Halford, No. W2020-01643-COA-R3-CV (Tenn. Ct. App. Jan. 6, 2023), plaintiff husband and wife…


Funeral home had no duty to supervise burial of body.

Where plaintiff alleged that her son’s body was buried in the wrong place within a cemetery and brought several claims, including negligent mishandling of a dead human body, against defendant funeral home, summary judgment for the funeral home was affirmed based on the finding that the funeral home “had no…


Dismissal of conversion and conspiracy claims vacated.

Where defendant’s counterclaim asserted the conversion of its real property through a transfer that “was not supported by consideration, was commercially unreasonable, and made under economic duress,” and that alleged conversion occurred less than ten years ago, summary judgment in favor of plaintiff was vacated. Summary judgment on defendant’s counterclaim…


Last Chance to Order Wrongful Death Book at Reduced Price.

You have just a few days to obtain a pre-publication printed copy of my new book, Tennessee Wrongful Death Law at a substantial discount. The book is Tennessee’s only comprehensive treatise on the law of wrongful death.  It has 82 sections and cites hundreds of Tennessee cases. Click on this…

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