
Day on Torts


Collection of Case Law on the Issue of Whether a Civil Trial Should be Conducted Virtually

The parties in Djeneba Sidibe et al. v. Sutter Health, Case No. 3:12-cv-04854-LB, a civil antitrust case in federal court in San Francisco, are in a dispute over whether a case ready for trial should be tried virtually.  Plaintiff seeks an immediate virtual trial.  Defendant opposes it. The joint submission…


Legal Malpractice Claim Filed More than One Year after BPR Complaint was Untimely.

Where plaintiff had filed complaints with the Board of Professional Responsibility (BPR) complaining of the same allegations that allegedly supported her legal malpractice claim, and those BPR complaints were filed more than one year before the legal malpractice suit was filed, summary judgment based on the statute of limitations was…


Negligence summary judgment affirmed where plaintiff had no evidence of breach of duty.

Where plaintiff had no evidence that defendant took any action that contributed to him being knocked off a ladder while nailing a board to a window, summary judgment for defendant was affirmed. In Malone v. Viele, No. E2021-00637-COA-R3-CV (Tenn. Ct. App. Dec. 27, 2021), plaintiff and defendant were friends who…


Child in care, custody, or control of State between removal from parent’s home and entry of custody order by juvenile court.

Where a child was removed from his parents’ custody by the Department of Children’s Services (DCS) and placed in a home that DCS’s own investigation had found to be unsafe, and the child later died while in that home, the Claims Commission had subject matter jurisdiction of the parents’ negligence…


Decedent’s personal injury settlement did not become wrongful death proceeds after his death.

Where decedent had filed a personal injury and loss of consortium case in West Virginia, settled that case, and then received a portion of the settlement proceeds before his death, the Court of Appeals affirmed dismissal of this Tennessee case filed by decedent’s heirs “seeking to have the settlement proceeds…


Practice Before the Tennessee Claims Commission

The Tennessee Claims Commission hears and adjudicates claims alleging that personal injury or wrongful death was caused by the acts or omissions of employees of the State of Tennessee.  The Commission also hears worker’s compensation claims asserted by State employees and breach of contract claims when the State is a…


Colorado Supreme Court Allows Minors to Recover Pre-Majority Medical Expenses

Colorado’s highest court has ruled that in cases involving an unemancipated minor child, either the child or the child’s parents may recover the child’s pre-majority medical expenses  Double recovery is not permitted.  The case is Rudnicki v. Bianco. The Tennessee will be holding oral argument soon on a related issue…


New Resource Center for Tennessee Lawyers

I am pleased to announce the launch of BirdDog Law, a massive online resource center for Tennessee lawyers, particularly those who do trial work. The website includes free access to the Tennessee Rules of Civil Procedure, the Tennessee Rules of Appellate Procedure, and the Tennessee Rules of Evidence,  as well…

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