
Practical Procedure and Evidence

Have you checked out my newest blog?

Practical Procedure is a blog about, well, practical procedure and evidence issues for trial lawyers.  I have several sources for the issues I discuss on the blog.

First, if I see something in a new Tennessee Court of Appeals or Supreme Court opinion that I think will be helpful to Tennessee lawyers I write up a summary and post it to the blog.

Second, if in my readings about trial work generally I see something of interest I do the same thing – write up a summary and share it with you via the blog.

Third, from time to time I just put pen-to-paper (or, more accurately, fingers-to-keyboard) and write about things I have learned about preparing for trial and trial during my career.

Here are links to some recent posts:

These posts are not law review articles on any subject.  They are 300 – 700-word articles designed to give you a quick start on your research on the topic.


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